
Say Goodbye to Drooping Studs

Sun, Nov 24, 2024

Wearing diamond stud earrings is a luxurious and elegant choice, but it can be frustrating when they don't sit snugly on your ears and start to droop. Don't let your beautiful stud drop earrings​ point to the floor… Showcase the diamonds instead!

This article discusses potential solutions that prevent drooping and ensure your diamond stud earrings are a perfect fit.


Tips for Keeping Your Stud Drop Earrings Secure and Comfortable

Choosing the Right Design

It is essential to choose a design that is correct so as to prevent drooping.These are the factors to consider: 

1. Pointed Martini Stud Earrings

Pointed martini stud earrings are a unique shape that fit comfortably within your ear holes. This helps to create the perfect fit and avoids dipping.

2. Setting the Diamond Low

For a steady and stationery setting, set the diamond as low as possible in the earring. Minimal movement equals little to no drooping.

stud drop earrings​

Enhancing Fit with Secure Fastenings

Your choice of earring fastenings can greatly impact the fit and prevent drooping. Take note of the following:

1. High Butterfly Fastenings

If you want to freely tighten or loosen your fastenings, high butterfly fastenings should be your go-to. The adjustability they offer allows you to create a secure and comfortable fit.

2. Larger Butterfly Fastenings

Larger butterfly fastenings contain a greater surface area to securely hold the studs in place.

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3. Screw Backs vs Butterfly Push-Backs

When thinking long term, screw backs may not be the best answer. They might be secure now but the earring may become loose due to wear and tear.

On the contrary, butterfly push backs are simple, practical, comfortable, and easily replaceable.

Drawing from a deep well of two decades of experience in the craft of diamond earrings, this blog post comparing the earring fastening options in more detail provides knowledgeable insights to help navigate this important decision.

stud drop earrings​

Stability and Support

To achieve a secure fit and prevent drooping, consider slightly thicker earring posts for added stability. They create a tight fit that restricts movement regardless of whether your ear piercings are slightly larger.



Drooping studs are easily preventable. Whether you pick pointed martini studs, low settings, snug fit fastenings, larger butterfly fastenings, or slightly thicker posts, you are guaranteed to achieve a secure fit with style. Drooping studs have got nothing on you so don't let them come in between your shine and sparkle.  

Be sure to consult a reputable jeweler who is attentive to small design details and can advise you on the way forward to getting the perfect diamond studs for you.

stud drop earrings​



Q. Why do my earrings droop?

Earring droop can be a result of the earring design or a loose fit. Sometimes, it might be due to stretched ear piercings.

Q. How do you keep diamond studs from drooping?

Prevent drooping with martini settings, not basket settings, and larger butterfly fastenings at the back.

Q. Which is better for diamond studs, screw backs or butterfly push backs?

High-quality butterfly fastenings are our preference. They offer a snug fit, easy removal, effortless replacement if lost, and overall, more practical use. When made with high quality, they're as comfortable and secure as any other option.


October 31, 2023 — Mynul Hasan


Our designer, Shiree Odiz, combines ancestral expertise with innovation. Trained by master goldsmiths from Tiffany & Co. and Cartier, she creates jewelry that moves beyond ostentation, focusing on subtleties in classic designs to enhance comfort, durability, and inherent beauty.